R21 Funded!

Dr. Fischer-Baum’s R21 grant to the National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorder on the “Functional Reorganization of the Reading System following Stroke” just got funded!

Cognitive Network Neuroscience

The Neuroplasticity Lab, in collaboration with Michael Deem‘s group from Rice Bioengineering, has recently published two papers linking individual differences brain network organization to cognitive abilities. The first, Brain Modularity Mediates the Relation between Task Complexity and Performance, published in the September issue of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience with Qiuhai Yue as the first […]

Trainee news

First, we are enormously excited for research scientist Aurora Ramos Nunez, who has moved on to her first faculty position at the College of Coastal Georgia. We will miss her enormously. Congratulations to Hao Yan (a graduate student in Randi Martin’s Lab) for successfully defending his dissertation “Sentence processing in aphasic speakers with short-term memory […]

Levels of representation in reading!

New paper from Fischer-Baum Lab available online at Cortex. Using representational similarity analysis, we mapped the transformation between different levels of representation during the course of single word reading. Thanks and congrats to the many undergraduate students who were involved in this project and have since graduated or left the lab (Emilio Tamez, Dorrie Bruggemann, Donald SP […]

New paper in Frontiers in Psychology!

Yingying Tan (former Graduate Student, now a post-doc at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) and Randi Martin (along with Julie Van Dyke from Haskins Laboratory) have a new paper in Frontiers in Psychology (Semantic and Syntactic Interference in Sentence Comprehension: A Comparison of Working Memory Models). In this paper, they take an individual difference […]

New paper in Neural Plasticity!

The Fischer-Baum Lab just published a paper in a special issue of the journal Neural Plasticity on the Neuroplasticity of the Language Network. In the paper, “The Cognitive Neuroplasticity of Reading Recovery following Chronic Stroke: A Representational Similarity Analysis Approach,” we developed a new method for mapping cognitive functions in the damaged brain following stroke and applied this novel method to a […]